Enquiry Form
MSME (i.e. stands for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) Registration or you can say Udyog Aadhar Memorandum and now UDYAM REGISTRATION. A large number of businesses or enterprises fall under this category. These enterprises form the backbone of the INDIAN economy and push forward the economic growth of the nation and also help in the GDP. Â

Our Process
MSME (i.e. stands for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) Registration or you can say Udyog Aadhar Memorandum and now UDYAM REGISTRATION. A large number of businesses or enterprises fall under this category. These enterprises form the backbone of the INDIAN economy and push forward the economic growth of the nation and also help in the GDP. After 1 July 2020 onwards MSME registration into UDYAM REGISTRATION. Seeing its importance, the Government of India (GOI) gives several benefits to MSME Registered Company. However, for that, they have to register under the MSMED Act,2006. UDYAM REGISTRATION is not statutory, it’s totally optional, it is suitable for all. The benefits that it provides entail:
- Lower rates of interest
- Rebate in Trademark Fee
- Rebate in Patent Fee
- Excise exemptions
- Special Benefits in Tender Bidding
- Power tariff subsidies
- Tax subsidies
- Capital investment subsidies.
- Others
Our team of Internet of compliance can assist you with obtaining MSME Registration at the right time today. Get in touch with us and avail this MSME registration  & other registration services.
- One (Color) Photograph
- Self-attested PAN card & Adhar Card copy
- Self-attested copy of any one of the Identity Proof like Driving License, Passport or Voter ID.
- Self-attested copy of any one of the Address Proof like Bank Pass Book/Bank Statement, Telephone Landline Bill/ Mobile Bill or Electricity Bill.
- For the Company Address proof Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Mobile Bill or Gas Bill AND Rent Agreement (If Rented) AND
NOC for doing Business & for taking Registration.
- Document Collection
- Documents Verification
- Draft Application Ready sent for approval
- Final Application Submitted
Our Packages
Rs 7,680
- MSME Registration Or Udyam Registration
- Trademark Registration in one Class
- Name check on Trademark Site
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Our Clients
Giving by its name Digital Signature Certificate, Digital Signature Certificate, it is issue by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA).

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